Monday, January 16, 2012

A Deliberate Choice – Pat

What kind of pain have I experienced in this life and how has it equipped me to be compassionate and suffer with others? This was the primary question that went through my mind as I read Chapter 8. My wonderful daddy suffered a sudden heart attack and died in an instant when he was only 61. I have experienced the devastation of divorce in both my life and my children’s life. There are others but just those two are enough to allow me to see potential to connect with another’s suffering.

So much of the time, I want to avoid people suffering because I have believed that I have nothing to offer them that can make a difference. Words are dangerous because they are interpreted by the one suffering through their suffering and everyone’s experience and filter is different. The potential to offend or be misunderstood is extremely high in suffering situations. However, my eyes have been opened to the power of our presence for someone who is suffering. I pray God will give me the courage and compassion to suffer with others and then anoint me with is Spirit of comfort that others may be comforted.

Here are some questions that Kay Warren’s words stirred up in me.
What suffering have you faced that can be used to minister to another?
How can that experience help you when reaching out to the suffering?
Are you willing to suffer with others?

How about you?

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